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Teaching Approach

Hands-on, project-based education

The Twente Education Model is characterized by the integration of project-led education and other teaching methods in thematic fulltime study units known as ‘modules’. Each module has one central theme with a variety of learning activities: lectures, workshops and feedback sessions with fellow students. The centre piece of each module is a team project in which, working with other students, you address a real-world problem, putting your learning into practice and preparing your for career success beyond your studies.

Our unique Twente Education Model (abbreviated TOM in Dutch) makes studying more effective, more future-proof and a lot more fun, too. What makes this particular way of learning and teaching special?

University of Twente

University of Twente’s unique interdisciplinary approach, combining technology and engineering with behavioural and social sciences, prepares students for working in teams and creating solutions that people, and society really need.

University of Twente

Modules and project-based work

All our programmes consist of modules. Each module has a theme with all sorts of subjects and learning activities, such as feedback sessions with fellow students or workshops and lectures. The different aspects of a module are related to your study programme and often interconnected. Central to each module is a team project in which, together with your group, you address a real-world problem. This way, you put scientific theory into practice. Challenging and exciting!

Student driven learning

Student-driven learning’ means that, as a student, you have a say in your own learning process. Our aim is to develop modules in which you can make your own choices when it comes to planning and educational activities. Of course, you make your choices in close consultation with your teacher: we’re strong believers in personal mentoring.

The three roles

At the UT we distinguish three different roles you can take on in a team or as a professional: researcher, designer or organizer. Throughout your studies, we’ll help you discover which one best suits you. This means that at the UT you’ll not only become adept in a certain field of learning, but you’ll also discover where your true strengths lie – professionally and personally.



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