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Foundation Admission Requirements

When applying online, please attach the following documents:

  • A copy of the passport
  • A copy of the most recent transcript
  • Proof of English capability (IELTS, TOEFL or Cambridge English)
  • Copy of your diploma
  • CV
  • Personal statement

The applications can be submitted even if you do not have all the above documents available yet. Our dedicated admissions team will assess the documents and, in many cases, will be able to provide a conditional offer of acceptance.

Academic entry requirements for foundation year:

The International Foundation programmes lead to 3-year Bachelor’s programmes and require the following subjects for the different pathway streams: 

Engineering & Technology – General pathway leading to Engineering & Technology Bachelor’s programmes:

  • Mathematics is a compulsory course in the final year of the diploma. Mathematics may be substituted by (a combination of) Calculus, Algebra and Geometry
  • Physics is a compulsory course in the final year of the diploma
  • Minimum average score of 80% for the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% in the final year

Engineering & Technology – Chemistry pathway leading to Bachelor’s programmes in Advanced Technology and Chemical Science and Engineering:

  • Mathematics is a compulsory course in the final year of the diploma. Mathematics may be substituted by (a combination of) Calculus, Algebra and Geometry
  • Physics is a compulsory course in the final year of the diploma
  • Chemistry is a compulsory course in the final year of the diploma
  • Minimum average score of 80% for the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% in the final year

Business, Management and Social Sciences

  • Mathematics is a compulsory subject in the final year. Alternative numerate subjects such as Statistics, Algebra, and Calculus will be considered
  • Minimum overall average score of 80%

Country-specific entry requirements

If your country is not listed, you are still welcome to apply. In such cases, your application documents may need to be assessed by NUFFIC, the organisation for internationalisation in education in the Netherlands.

Entry Requirements

Academic Requirement
Please check whether you meet the direct entry requirements of the University of Twente. According to Nuffic that evaluates international qualifications, your high school diploma may be equivalent of Dutch High School Diploma level for the research university admissions (VWO level). Those applications are assessed on a case by case basis.
Academic Requirement
Please check whether you meet the direct entry requirements of the University of Twente. According to Nuffic that evaluates international qualifications, your high school diploma may be equivalent of Dutch High School Diploma level for the research university admissions (VWO level). Those applications are assessed on a case by case basis.
Academic Requirement
Please check whether you meet the direct entry requirements of the University of Twente. According to Nuffic that evaluates international qualifications, your high school diploma may be equivalent of Dutch High School Diploma level for the research university admissions (VWO level). Those applications are assessed on a case by case basis.
Academic Requirement
12th Grade Graduation Certificate issued by the Ministry of Education.
Students with 12th Grade graduation certificate issued by the Ministry of Education – Technical and Vocational Education and Training will be considered on case-by-case basis.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% for the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70%
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80%
Academic Requirement
Please check whether you meet the direct entry requirements of the University of Twente. According to Nuffic that evaluates international qualifications, your high school diploma may be equivalent of Dutch High School Diploma level for the research university admissions (VWO level). Those applications will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Academic Requirement
Baccalauréat de l'Enseignment Secondaire
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 16/20 for the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 14/20
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 16/20
Academic Requirement
Applications from Argentina will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average grade of 8.0 (80%) in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 7.0 (70%)
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 8.0 (80%)
Academic Requirement
Atestat - Ատեստատ (Certificate of secondary general education).
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% for the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70%
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80%
Academic Requirement
Please check whether you meet the direct entry requirements of the University of Twente. According to Nuffic that evaluates international qualifications, your high school diploma may be equivalent of Dutch High School Diploma level for the research university admissions (VWO level). Those applications will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Academic Requirement
Tam Orta Təhsil Haqqında Attestat (Certificate of General Secondary Education).
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average grade of 4 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 3.5
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 4.0
Academic Requirement
Higher Secondary Certificate Humanities or Science group from a BISE.
OR Alim Certificate from the BMEB
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average grade of 80% (Grade Point 5 (A+)) in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% (Grade Point 4 (A))
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% (Grade Point 5 (A+))
Academic Requirement
Atestat ab agulnaj sjaredjaj adukatsyi - Атэстат aб агульнай сярэдняй адукацыі
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average grade of 8.0 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average of 7.0
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 8.0
Academic Requirement
Certificado de Conclusão de 2º Grau / Certificado de Conclusão de Ensino Médio
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average grade of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average of 70%
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80%
Academic Requirement
Please check whether you meet the direct entry requirements of the University of Twente. According to Nuffic that evaluates international qualifications, your high school diploma may be equivalent of Dutch High School Diploma level for the research university admissions (VWO level). Those applications will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Academic Requirement
Please check whether you meet the direct entry requirements of the University of Twente. According to Nuffic that evaluates international qualifications, your high school diploma may be equivalent of Dutch High School Diploma level for the research university admissions (VWO level). Those applications will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average grade of 80% (16/20) in the required subjects and a minimum overall average of 70% (14/20)
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% (16/20)
Academic Requirement
British Columbia - Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood diploma) with a pass for at least 5 Grade 12 subjects, including English;
Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with a pass for at least 6 grade 12 subjects (with the subject codes M or U);
English as one of the subjects listed above; and a pass for a mathematics subject (with the subject code M or U) in either grade 11 or 12 .
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average grade of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average of 70%
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80%
Academic Requirement
Please check whether you meet the direct entry requirements of the University of Twente. According to Nuffic that evaluates international qualifications, your high school diploma may be equivalent of Dutch High School Diploma level for the research university admissions (VWO level). Those applications will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Academic Requirement
Applications from Chile will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 5.6 out of 7 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average of 4.9 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 5.6 out of 7 
Academic Requirement
Senior middle school graduation certificate (gaozhong).
Students with sufficient GaoKao results may qualify for direct admission to University of Twente. Please check the University's website for more information.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% for the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Bachiller Academico
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Bachiller en Educacion Media (rama académica) 
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum overall average score of 80%, or B or higher
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Diploma Bachiller en Ciencias.
Diploma Bachiller en humanidades + specialisation
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70%
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
General Secondary Education Certificate 
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
(Ethiopian) Secondary School Leaving Examination with at least 6 subjects
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70%
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80%
Academic Requirement
Applications from Gambia will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of A1 - B3 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of C4 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of A1 - B3 
Academic Requirement
General Education Diploma 
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
West African Senior School Certificate (WAEC) with at least 6 subjects (grades A1 - C6)
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of A1 - B3 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of C4
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of A1 - B3 
Academic Requirement
The Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
  • Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) obtained from 2024 with a 2, 3, 4, 5, 5*, 5** or 'attained' for 5 subjects, including Chinese and English
  • Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) obtained from 2024 in 6 subjects with: a 3, 4, 5, 5* or 5** for the subjects Chinese and English; a 2, 3, 4, 5, 5* or 5** for the subject maths and 2 electives; and 'attained' for the subject Citizen and Social Development.
  • Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) obtained before 2024 with a 2, 3, 4, 5, 5* or 5** for 5 subjects, including Chinese and English
  • Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) obtained before 2024 in 6 subjects with: a 3, 4, 5, 5* or 5** for the subjects Chinese and English; and a 2, 3, 4, 5, 5* or 5** for the subjects Liberal Studies, maths and 2 electives
  • Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) with a 3, 4, 5 or 5* or an A, B, C, D or E for 6 subjects
  • The following combination: Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) with a 3, 4, 5 or 5* or an A, B, C, D or E for 6 subjects; and Hong Kong Advanced Supplementary Level Examinations (HKASLE) with an A, B, C, D or E for the subjects in which the student took exams
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70%
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80%
Academic Requirement
Please check whether you meet the direct entry requirements of the University of Twente. According to Nuffic that evaluates international qualifications, your high school diploma may be equivalent of Dutch High School Diploma level for the research university admissions (VWO level). Those applications will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Academic Requirement
Ijazah Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA)
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Certificate of Completion of Upper-Secondary School Studies (theoretical only);
The non-theoretical degree in combination with the Pre-university certificate will be considered on case-by-case basis.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 16/20 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average of 14/20.
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 16/20
Academic Requirement
Secondary School Certificate/Baccaleureate – وثيقة مدرسية / المرحلة الإعدادية
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
High School Certificate of Graduation (卒業証明書 Sotsugyoshomeisho).
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 4 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 3.5
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 4.0 
Academic Requirement
General Secondary Education Certificate - شهادة الدراسة الثانوية العامة
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Жалпы Oрта білім туралы аттестат/Аттестат об общем среднем образовании/certificate of completed general secondary education
Students graduating from the highly selective Nazerbayev schools may be considered for direct admission to the Bachelor's programme of their choice. Please check the University's website for more information.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 4.0 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 3.5
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 4.0 
Academic Requirement
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education with grades A, B or C for at least 6 subjects
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of B+ in the required subjects and minimum overall average of B
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of B+
Academic Requirement
High School Certificate (고등학교 졸업장, Godeung Hakgyo Jolupjang) obtained at a general high school
High School Certificate (고등학교 졸업장, Godeung Hakgyo Jolupjang) obtained at a science high school.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
For the required subjects: Minimum grade B (according to 5-level grading system) or score of 80% or average rank 4 in the required subjects. For the overall average: Minumum overall grade C (according to the 5-level grading system) or a score of 70% overall or overall average rank 4.
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall grade B (according to the 5-level grading system) or score of 80% or overall average rank 4.
Academic Requirement
Please check whether you meet the direct entry requirements of the University of Twente. According to Nuffic that evaluates international qualifications, your high school diploma may be equivalent of Dutch High School Diploma level for the research university admissions (VWO level). Those applications are assessed on a case by case basis.
Academic Requirement
Completion Certificate of Secondary Stage
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Zhalpy orto bilim turaluu attestat - Жалпы орто билим туралуу аттестат (Or Аттестат о среднем образовании/Attestat o srednjem obrazovanii in Russian)
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 4 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 3.5
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 4.0 
Academic Requirement
Baccalauréat / General Secondary Education Certificate
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Secondary school certificate
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70%
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Applications from Macau will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Please check whether you meet the direct entry requirements of the University of Twente. According to Nuffic that evaluates international qualifications, your high school diploma may be equivalent of Dutch High School Diploma level for the research university admissions (VWO level). Those applications will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Academic Requirement
Certificado de terminación de estudios – bachillerato general
OR Certificado de terminación de estudios - bachiller técnologico 
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score 80% (8.0) in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Buren dund bolovsrolyn unemlech - Бурэн дунд боловсролын унэмлэх - Certificate of complete secondary education  
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% for the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70%.
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80%. English needs to be included. 
Academic Requirement
Attestation du Baccalauréat  
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 16/20 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average of 14/20 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 16/20 
Academic Requirement
Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (Subject Award), minimally 25 points for 5 subjects with the highest scores (English is a required subject)
Diplomas achieved after 2023 will be considered on an individual basis by the joint board.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Migration Certificate – Higher Secondary Secondary Education Board Examinations with a pass for: English or Nepali; and at least 4 different subjects of the humanities, law or science stream.
Migration Certificate – School Leaving Certificate (Grade XI-XII) obtained between 2017 and 2021 and with a pass for: English or Nepali; and at least 4 different subjects of the humanities, law or science stream.
Other diplomas will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70%
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80%
Academic Requirement
Please check whether you meet the direct entry requirements of the University of Twente. According to Nuffic that evaluates international qualifications, your high school diploma may be equivalent of Dutch High School Diploma level for the research university admissions (VWO level). Those applications will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Academic Requirement
West African Senior School Certificate (WAEC) with at least 6 subjects (grades A1 - C6), including the required subjects
Or Senior School Certificate (NECO) with at least 6 subjects (grades A1-B2/B3), including the required subjects 
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of B2 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of B3
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of B2
Academic Requirement
Certificate For General Education Diploma 
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Higher Secondary School Certificate with grade A1, A, B or C as final result;
Intermediate School Certificate with grade A1, A, B or C as final result.
Diplomas obtained after 2023 will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of A1 of A+ in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of A
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of A1 or A+ 
Academic Requirement
Certificate of General Secondary Education Examination
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
The Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects (or 4 out of 5) and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects (or 4 out of 5)
Academic Requirement
Certificado oficial de estudios – educación básica regular, nivel de educación secundaria;
Certificado de educación secundaria común completa
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% (16/20) in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% (14/20)
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% (16/20)
Academic Requirement
Grade 12/Senior High School Diploma - academic track (since 2018).
Additionally, these documents should be provided:
  • the Junior High School Diploma;
  • the official transcript of grade 7 to grade 10;
  • the Grade 12/Senior High School Diploma;
  • the official transcript of grades 11 and 12;
  • a Certification Authentication and Verification (CAV).
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70%
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80%
Academic Requirement
Applications from Portugal will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average grade of 16/20 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average of 14/20
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 16/20
Academic Requirement
Qatar Secondary School Certificate (QSSC)
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70%
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Attestat o srednem obshchem obrazovanii – Аттестат о cреднем oбщем oбразовании
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 4 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 3.5
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 4.0
Academic Requirement
Rwanda Advanced Certificate of Education
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% (B) in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% (C)
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% (B)
Academic Requirement
Secondary school graduation certificate
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70%
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Please check whether you meet the direct entry requirements of the University of Twente. According to Nuffic that evaluates international qualifications, your high school diploma may be equivalent of Dutch High School Diploma level for the research university admissions (VWO level). Those applications will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Academic Requirement
National Senior Certificate with minimal requirements for admission to a bachelor’s degree programme
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70%
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80%
Academic Requirement
Senior High 3, or High School Graduation Equivalency Examination (GED) 
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
S3 - for the required subjects: Minimum grade B (according to 5-level grading system) or score of 80% or average rank 4 in the required subjects. S3 - for the overall average: Minimum overall grade C (according to the 5-level grading system) or a score of 70% overall or overall average rank 4. CSAT ranks (at least rank 4) may be used in place of Senior High 3 ranks of equivalent subjects, if the CSAT rank is higher. GED: Minimum average score 80% overall combined and in the required subjects 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
SH3: Minimum overall grade B (according to the 5-level grading system) or score of 80% or overall average rank 4. CSAT overall average rank 4 may be considered as a substitute to SH3 grades. GED: Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Applications from South Sudan will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70%
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80%
Academic Requirement
Applications from Sri Lanka will be evaluated on an individual basis by the joint board.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70%
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
General Secondary Education Certificate
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Senior High School Diploma
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Certificate of Secondary Education (A-C in at least 6 examination subjects) plus the Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education with a principal pass in at least 1 subject, or
Certificate of Secondary Education (A-C in at least 5 examination subjects plus the Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education with a principal pass in at least 2 subjects and a subsidiary pass in at least 1 subject).
Required subjects must be at advanced level.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Certificate of Secondary Education/Matayom 6 (M6) 
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 3.2 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 2.8
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 3.2 
Academic Requirement
Diplôme du Baccalauréat - شهادة البكالوريا
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 16/20 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average of 14/20 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 16/20 
Academic Requirement
Lise Diplomasi 
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Umumy orta bilim hakynda şahadatnama
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 4 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 3.5
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 4.0
Academic Requirement
General Secondary Education Certificate 
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Uganda Certificate of Education (Ordinary level) in 6 subjects with a final grade of 1 to 6 and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education with a Principal pass in 1 subject (6 different subjects in total)
OR Uganda Certificate of Education (Ordinary level) in 6 subjects with a final grade of 1 to 6 and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education with a Principal pass in at least 2 subjects + a Subsidiary pass in 1 subject (6 different subjects in total
OR Uganda Certificate of Education (Ordinary level) in 6 subjects with a final result of 1 to 6 and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education with a Principal pass in at least 2 subjects with a final grade of A, B or C (6 different subjects in total)
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Svidotstvo pro zdobuttia povnoi zahalnoi serednioi osviti - Свідоцтво про здобуття повної загальної середньої освіти (Certificate of complete general secondary education)
(from 2019)
Atestat pro povnu zahalnu seredniu osvitu - Атестат про повну загалну середню освiту (Certificate of complete general secondary education)
(up to and including 2018)
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 9.6/12 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average scor e of 8.4
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 9.6
Academic Requirement
Umumiy o'rta ta'lim to'g'risida Shahodatnoma (Certificate of General Secondary Education).
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 4 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 3.5
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 4.0
Academic Requirement
Titulo de Bachiller / Titulo de Educacion Media General 
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum average score of 80% in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Bằng tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông from a regular high school;Bằng tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông from a high school for the gifted. The High School Graduation Examination will also be considered.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering &amp Technology
Minimum grade of 8.0 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70%
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
Secondary School Final Examination Result 
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum grade of 8.0 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70% 
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80% 
Academic Requirement
The following combination: Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education at Ordinary Level with an A, B or C for at least 5 exam subjects;
and Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education at Advanced Level with a pass for at least 2 subjects.
Required grades in the final year - Engineering & Technology
Minimum grade of 8.0 in the required subjects and a minimum overall average score of 70%
Required grades in the final year - Business & Management / Behavioural & Social Sciences
Minimum overall average score of 80%

English language entry requirements

General English language requirement

Students can meet the English language requirements by one of the following documents as proof of their English language proficiency:

Entry Requirements

5.5 overall, and no sub-scores below 5.0
Required minimum score: 70 with a minimum of: Listening 15, Reading 14, Speaking 19, Writing 16
A certificate no older than 2 years

TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition*
Required minimum score: 70 with a minimum of: Listening 15, Reading 14, Speaking 19, Writing 16
A certificate no older than 2 years

*By exception, the applicant can take the TOEFL iBT (Special) Home Edition test (only valid for the 2024 intake). This is only the case when the applicant cannot use a regular language test as listed in this table because the onsite language test centre is not available at the applicant's country. We do not accept the MyBest scores of the TOEFL test.
162, and no sub-scores below 154

Exemption is offered to students who completed:

  • English-taught IB-diploma
  • IB-diploma in a different language of instruction: exemptions may be offered if you pass with a grade 5 or higher for one of the English courses
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